Material List:
1. Three, 2 x 2 x 8', Treated: For the bottom base rails
2. Two, 2 x 4 x 8', Treated: For the left/right end panels
3. One, 2 x 6 x 32", Treated: For base support
4. One, 4 x 8 x 1/2", Treated Plywood: For bracing material
5. 1-1/2" and 3" Woodscrews
6. 2-1/2" Nails
Step 1, Build Base - Select two, 2x2x8'; lay them on a flat surface about 16" apart.
Select 2 x 6; cut two pieces to 16" length for left/right, end, cross bracing; attach one at each end of the 2x2x8's per the picture above; use a carpenter square to ensure the ends of the 2x2x8's are even and square.
Select the remaining 2x2x8'; cut it into five pieces @ 16" for the base cross-bracing; attach them evenly spaced per the picture above with nails.
When the base structure is complete, flip it over.
Select the remaining 2x2x8'; cut it into five pieces @ 16" for the base cross-bracing; attach them evenly spaced per the picture above with nails.
When the base structure is complete, flip it over.
Step 2, Build the left/right End Panels - Select 2 x 4 and cut two pieces to 48" length for upright supports; lay them on a flat surface.
Select exterior plywood; cut two pieces @ 16"x48" for the left/right end panels.
Select exterior plywood; cut two pieces @ 16"x48" for the left/right end panels.
Attach the plywood to the 2x4's with 1 1/2" screws.
Repeat Step 2 to produce a second end panel.
Repeat Step 2 to produce a second end panel.
Step 3, Attach the End Panels to Base - Attach the right end panel to the base with 3" screws per the picture above.
Repeat this step for the left end panel.
Repeat this step for the left end panel.
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